
Blog Hop 12-18th

With Autumn upon us and Halloween drawing near, what books remind you of fall? What ones do you enjoy reading that are about autumn?

First off, let me just say that I'm a total wuss and scare really easily, I can't watch horror films without having trouble sleeping for about a week and I own one book that is considered a horror novel; Carrie (I know, I know...) So I think that says for me that even though Halloween is creeping ever closer, and I adore Halloween, that the one type of book I'm not reading is Horror. At this time of year I tend to read quite a lot because the atmosphere is so prefect; dark and cold outside with perhaps heavy rain hammering down on the roof, Candles lit and a record playing in the background; it's just perfect to crack open a book in that place. The most autumnal novel I own is I think Wuthering Heights, not because it's set in that season, but because there's something about that kind of huge love story that's prefect for this time of year. I also love Shakespeare at this time of the year for the same reasons. This time last year I had just started the Song Of Ice And Fire series so I was really into that and I think it would be nice to start another series this winter, I'm just hopeless with series because I don't read them too often, so if any of you have any recommendations, please leave them below.


  1. I don't like really scary things either...Stephen King is off my list of reads. He is too frightening for me. :) :)

    Stop by my blog if you like.

    Silver's Reviews

    1. I'm awful with horror films so god knows what I'd be like with a novel! Will do :)

  2. Stephen King does the Dark Tower series which isn't really scary, it's more fantasy and sci-fi than anything, with a bit of thriller sprinkled in liberally. Very vivid settings, and a great antagonist. I'm about to start Shakespeare's Coriolanus because I want to see the movie with Ralph Fiennes and Gerard Butler (!)....I totally get the whole "reading the right book for the season" thing!

    1. Oh really? I'll definitley check those out then, thank you! Ralph Fiennes, Gerard Butler AND Shakespeare?!? How did I not know about this?!

  3. I'm the same way with horror--so I had to think a bit to come up with a book for this discussion. But I've been thinking about the coziness of autumn, rather than the spookiness, and came up with a couple books with autumnal flare!

    1. Coziness and books go hand in hand really, I suppose we could have chosen anything really, this season makes any read atmospheric!

  4. I don't like super scary, either. I'm a total wuss! :)

    I wanted to let you know that I've given you a Liebster award! You can check it out on my blog:

  5. You're right Wuthering Heights is a curl up in a big chair in front of the fire and with a cup of tea (well maybe a few cups of tea) kind of book. Excellent. In fact, sounds like a date to me.

    While I scare easy, I do read horror, even write it -- can't figure that out any more than the writing of murder mysteries. Just me. :)
    But am a real fan of romances!

    1. The perfect date! Tea and Heathcliffe, what more could you ask for!


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