
Top Ten Tuesday

November 13: Top Ten Books  I'd Want On A Deserted Island

1) Lord Of The Flies - William Golding. Hey, you could kind of use it as an instruction manual...or a what not to do...

2) Survivor - Chuck Palahniuk. I'm desperate to re-read this at the minute but I've a pile of new things to read and I'm barely getting through those, so it's going to have to wait a while. I'd want it on an Island because maybe I got there via a plane crash, which is a running commentary throughout this book, seems like it'd fit in well, plus I always class this as a kind of hopeful story.

3) Batman Series - Frank Miller. These graphic novels always leave me feeling really inspired and "fired up", that motivation may do me good on a deserted island.

4) Ulysses - James Joyce. Purely because I own it and have never gotten round to reading it. I've read so so much about this book and  think I've put it off because of all the hype.

5) Fevre Dream - George R.R. Martin. ABookwormBelle just wrote a review on this and now I'm dying to read it! 

6) Some Stephen King - I'm always a bit wary of delving into horror as I've said before, and so many people rave about King, maybe somewhere well away from society would be the place to start...

7) Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen. Just because I probably couldn't go the rest of my life without this book, although the romance may make me a little maudlin...ah well.

8) The Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling. To keep my childlike sense of wonder...plus, I could fashion a wand from any trees on my deserted island...Lumos my nights away!

9) Into The Wild - Jon Krakauer. To boost my adventurous spirit! 

10) No surprise here! (I think I mention this every week...) - A Song Of Ice & Fire series - George R.R. Martin. Again, I couldn't not read these books ever again, plus reading the whole series would really pass the time - though imagine if you were deserted before the final books are published - you might never know how things end! Now that's something I don't want to think about...


  1. I think I'd be scared to read Into the Wild; I'd second guess all of my food choices!

    1. Oh, I didn't think about that! I'll just stick to coconuts (my island is clearly tropical haha!)

  2. I totally agree about Pride and Prejudice. It's on my list too.

    I didn't think about Survivor. It's my favorite book by him and I've wanted to reread it for a long time.

    Great list this week!

    Here's my Top Ten!

    1. It would also prompt me to sing destiny's child every time I saw the cover - providing endless hours of entertainment - clearly a must have book!

  3. Stephen King would be too scary for a place where you were alone. Every creak of a plam tree would have you screaming! Pride and Prejudice would be much more soothing.
    Here's my list:
    http://annabelsmith.tumblr.com/post/33157799448/top-10-tuesday-desert-island-books but I wrote that only a month ago so I made another list for today:

  4. I included ASOIAF series as well, what a perfect time to read it straight through. I have a Stephen King and a Jane Austen as well. I have a little boy and just bought him this t-shirt. Love Lord of the Flies...

  5. Harry Potter <3 The "A song of fire and Ice" series stands high on my wish list. Stephen King is a great author, but I wouldn't pick a book that is too scary. Being alone on a deserted island is scary enough for me..


  6. Great answer. I love Stephen King, Harry Potter and I've been wanting to read the 'A song of fire and ice' series.

    My TTT

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books


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