
Top Ten  Books I Recommend The Most

1) We Need To Talk About Kevin - Lionel Shriver. Thebes book I read last year, absolutely stunning and you just can't put it down, I wish everybody would read this.

2) The Perks Of Being A Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky. Beautiful, soulful and ageless. Ignore the hype about John Green because I think this beats anything he's ever done.

3) Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk. My very favourite Palahniuk, and one of my most loved contemporary romances, I love this book.

4) ASOIAF Series - George R.R. Martin. I don't think there's any reader who wouldn't enjoy this series -- it has everything! Dragons, war, death, sex, wolves, beautiful northerners, king's, queen's, imp's, intrigue, betrayal....Read it!

5) Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte. The best love story ever written.

6) Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen. Because Mr. Darcy.

7) Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov. I had to have one banned book on this list, and this is one of my very favourites. I think before you read it it can be an easy tale to judge, but once immersed you'll wonder why you ever saw any problem with it.

8) Fiesta/The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway. One of my favourite novels, and I think a game changer for those who say they dislike Hemingway's writing.

9) The Most Beautiful Women In Town - Charles Bukowski. This was the first Bukowski I read and I've never looked back.

10) The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath. I think it's really important for young women to read this book. Everyone always talks about coming of age stories and recommends The Catcher In The Rye, and while it's a great book, I think it's very easy to grow out of and I think it's important to have a female presence in that genre. The Bell Jar feels like it will be with me always, while now I'm at an age when I just want to tell Holden to grow up.


  1. I read the Perks of Being a Wallflower a while back and really enjoyed it. Great list!

    My Top Ten

    1. Great book :) Thanks I'll check yours out!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great list! I read We Need to Talk About Kevin last year, and wow. It was just... crazy. I almost put that one on my top 10.

    I just got back into blogging/reading blogs, so I'll definitely "follow" you. It is refreshing to look at linkups and not see everything YA.

    1. It's truly amazing. Thank you! I'll definitely check yours out too - there needs to be more bloggers that don't exclusively write about YA haha

  4. Love this list! We Need To Talk About Kevin is one of my all-time favourites. I haven't read A Dance with Dragons yet, because I'm waiting until I get chance to really wallow in the two halves of the book a little bit, but I'm looking forward to the next bit of the story. I read The Sun Also Rises for uni a few years ago, and it's still the only Hemingway I've read - so many books, so little time... :)

    1. Wallowing is a must-do. Especially the ending...oh my :(
      He does have a pretty hefty catalogue! But he's a wonderful author - try out some of the short stories, Men Without Women is excellent!

  5. Looks like we have a pretty similar taste in books. Great list! Looking forward to reading your blogs in the future! :) Feel free to check out my blog if you feel like it! Katharina

  6. Thank you for this post. Thats all I are able to say. You most absolutely have built this blog website into something speciel. You clearly know what you are working on, youve insured so many corners.thanks .


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