
Top Ten Five Books I HAD To Buy...But Are Still Sitting On My Shelf Unread

I got pretty good at reading my accumulated book pile last year so I don't actually think I have 10!

1) The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe. This book sounded like something I'd love, it was my favourite era/setting etc, but ... I read I am Charlotte Simmons first and realised what a terrible author Wolfe was, so this is still unread.

2) Underworld - Don Delillo. This was an author I'd wanted to get into for a long time, and when I finally got Underworld cheaply on eBay I was really excited to read it ... but it's still unread!

3) Invisible Monsters Remix - Chuck Palahniuk. The reason I've not yet started this one is because I want to re-read the original again first, and I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

These next two are kind of cheats because they actually just came today but:

4) The Host - Stephanie Meyer. Research for my dystopia project.

5) The Handmaid's tale - Margaret Atwood. Research also.


  1. I've been wanting to read THE HANDMAID'S TALE for awhile now, but still haven't gotten around to it. I don't know why -- just haven't made the time.

    I hope you get time to read the books on your list!

    1. Thank you! Let me know what you think of it when you do get into it :)

  2. The Host is fantastic, you must read it! :) It's been a while since I read it, but I remember absolute loving it. Plus, with the movie release around the corner, I might have to re-read it. I also posted a TTT, so if you're interested you can find it here: wordshipping.blogspot.ca.


    1. I just finished it the other day and I really liked it! The end was great, though I don't have high hopes for the adaptation!


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