
Blog Hop - 21st-27th

Blogging Question: What is one thing that your blog readers probably do not know about you?

I have no idea how to answer this question! I'm just going to go with something simple that I probably have mentioned before I said I don't know how to answer this! So I'm...a film student! I studied film and media at A-level, which in the UK is what you go on to do after leaving school, before you go to Uni. I absolutely loved my A-levels (I took 3 full ones - English, Film and Media, and one AS - Communication and Culture) but I did really want to study literature at Uni, unfortunately the Uni closest to be didn't offer any English courses and I couldn't afford to move away so...Film it was. 


  1. It's too bad you couldn't pursue your dream of studying literature. My daughter is an English major here in the USA. One of the electives she is taking is a course on Musical films. She is loving it. Film and literature really do go hand in hand. At least you have your blog here.

    Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing - I didn't know how to answer that question either.

    1. Ah thank you lovely, atleast literatures not something you need a degree to enjoy! It was a tough one this week - I'm not that interesting haha
      Sophie x


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