
December 18: Top Ten Books I Read In 2012.

1. My absolute number one this week is We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. Hands down one of the best books I've read in many years, not just in 2012, every single word Shiver writes seems important and integral to the story - there is such a powerful weight to her writing and the story is just as incredible. If you've not read this yet - please do, it's brilliant.

2. Life Of Pi - Yann Martel - I'm cheating a little with this one because it really wasn't this year that I read it, but I'm re-reading it now. I took this book out of the library two summers ago and it was one of the most moving things I'd ever read, and recently with the trailers for Ang Lee's absolutely mesmerizing looking adaptation of the story I've been desperate to read it again, I swear I tear up and shiver every time I see the trailer and I can't wait for the film to be released, I'm almost positive it's going to be my film of the year because the story really does leave you with something special.

3. A Storm Of Swords - GRRM - Book 3 of the series, I got this for Christmas last year and *may* have finished it before the years end, but I'm still counting it. The Red Wedding blew me away, and for that reason  it's this book and not A Dance With Dragons that 'll add from GRRM, though as you probably all know, I love the whole series and it's been a highlight of my year. 

4. Damned - Chuck Palahniuk - When I read this I didn't actually think it had been a read that would stick with me, and I didn't instantly love it as much as some of Palahniuk's other books such as Haunted or Survivor  but it's a book I go back to in my mind quite a lot and think about and it was actually quite a fun tale despite the story and setting. 

5. The Reader - Bernherd Schlink -  I really loved this book, I read in in one sitting in bed one night and instantly passed it on to my mum, whose opinions were less than enthusiastic than mine but, still I think this is wonderful. The writing is great to me because it is quite stiff and gives of the impression of being translated which I felt really immersed me in the story as it was set in Germany. Hard hitting and emotional, a great take on a war novel.

6. Tess Of The D'urbervilles -Thomas Hardy - I had wanted to read this book for a long time, I already knew the story and had seen various adaptations, but I really wanted the book, which I was given for my birthday back in February  I love this story and I always have, Tess is probably one of the worst treated females in classic literature, but she always has faith and I like the ending, though it's not a happy one.

7. The Gum thief - Douglas Coupland - I really like Coupland's books, and I found this is a charity shop. Great read, an unlikely friendship always wins me over.

8. The Fault In Our Stars - John Green - I'd read Green's books before this and although I liked them, they weren't for me the huge blow-you-away  type books I was expecting from the hype. I did like this one though and thought it was a very sad, beautiful story.

9. Perv: A Love Story - Jerry Stahl - I can't tell you how long I had waited to read this book! There were absolutely no copies for sale in the UK and the shipping price from the states was insane so I put it off for ages, I actually think this was the first book I purchased in the new year, telling myself it was acceptable as it was Christmas money, and I did really love the book, plus it's lead me onto other books by Stahl which I've enjoyed too so I suppose it was worth it

10. The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things - J.T. Leroy - It took me a very long time to assess my feelings for this book but I eventually decided I liked it. The story is difficult but I couldn't put it down. Very honest and I'm definitely glad I read it.


  1. Great list. I seriously loved The Reader - amazing book.

  2. I read Life of Pi recently and really enjoyed it. I was really impressed! Great list.

    Books of Amber

  3. OMG... how did I miss seeing your number one book? Kevin is one of the best - or rather most memorable - books I've ever read. I read it probably eight years ago now... I haven't been brave enough to re-read it BUT I think about that book ALL of the time. And how relevant given the tragic events of the past week...

  4. I really need to read the fault in our stars, I think I may be the last one!
    my TTT

  5. We Need to Talk about Kevin is amazing, totally agree, that made my list last year. Fault in Stars is on mine this year also.

  6. Awesome list! A Storm of Swords is my favourite of the series, such a game-changer! Glad you enjoyed The Reader and Life of Pi, I've been meaning to re-read both books. There's also a number of books on your list that are on my want-to-read pile too xD

    Here's my top 10 (actually, 20) books of 2012 xP

  7. Wow! Some great titles on here, and unfortunately, I have yet to read many of them. I've heard about the We Need to Talk About Kevin movie but haven't read the book. I should check it out. And Life of Pi is phenomenal! I'm also so excited for the movie.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! New follower :)

  8. We Need To Talk About Kevin made my list too. Such a great book - but wow, it was a tough read. When the sister was introduced, I just had to read and read and read to find out what happened. I really like Life of Pi and The Reader too although I didn't read them this year. And I have to start reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series ...


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